Monday, December 31, 2012

大祓 -Oharae- at the Kamakura Hachiman Shrine

『大祓』 (おおはらえ) というのは、6月と12月の晦日の年2回行われる神事で、日常の罪と穢れを祓いおとし、神々の祝福と加護を祈る行事です。
I went Oharai "Shinto purification" at the Kamakura Hachiman Shrine in Kamakura new year's eve today.

"Oharae" -Shinto Purification- is a ritual that takes place twice a year of last day of month in June and December, it is an event that purify sins and impurities of everyday life, and prays divine protection and blessing of gods.

I feel refreshed to greet the new year when I participate the event in December, so that I have been participating this event since last year, and also this year as well.

So then, I feel refreshed to greet new year!!

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